Our Lady Queen of Peace students participate in the Private School Interscholastic Association (PSIA), an academic organization of private and parochial schools. This program allows students to compete in academic competitions. They not only have the opportunity to compete at their own school but also at the district and state levels.
Goals for students, as set by PSIA, include refining mental aptitudes, nurturing self-realization, and building self-confidence. Through this organization, students experience teamwork and develop a sense of fair play. It allows them to foster self-discipline and perseverance.
This extracurricular program is open to OLQP students 1st through 8th grade. There are 18 academic categories in which students may compete. These include creative writing, ready writing, poetry interpretation, story-telling, maps/graphs & charts, spelling and mathematics. Students meet with their coaches to practice and learn the necessary skills needed for their category.
The purpose of the National Junior Honor Society is:
To create enthusiasm for Scholarship
To stimulate a desire to render service
To promote Leadership
To develop Character
To encourage Citizenship
Membership in NJHS is a highly deserved recognition for the hard work students put into their schoolwork as well as their willingness to contribute to their community. Induction takes place in the spring each year.
OLQP Junior High Students may participate in student council. STUCO is an organization that involves service to our school, community, country, and world. Elections for Student Council are held the week after Labor Day. Seventh and Eighth Graders may run for one of the seven officer positions. All Junior High students may run for class representative. There are two representatives per grade.
Third through eighth graders can spend time after school plotting the complex strategies of capturing kings by joining the OLQP chess team. Shown to improve memory and cognitive abilities, attention span, and creativity, as well as decision making and problem solving, the benefits of mastering the game of chess can enhance a child’s educational experience.